Colleges & Universities in Abbottabad

List of Colleges And Universties in Abbottabad

Colleges in Abbottabad holds an important place in both private and public sectors and offer a wide range of courses that hold an important place in educational standards.

Private collegs and universities in Abbottabad

The number of students who have originated from the nation over to concentrate on in its schools, for instance PIPS, Army Burn Hall College, Army Public College and Abbottabad Public School. there are various universities in Abbottabad too. The city has a wide variety of post-secondary institutions, for example, Abbottabad Medical College, Ayyub Medical College, Frontier Medical College, COMSATS University of Science and Technology, and the University of Engineering and Technology. Abbottabad is likewise home to the Pakistan Military Academy, a four-year coeducational government administration military foundation that gives training to the officers of the Pakistan Army. The institute has three preparing contingents, and 12 organizations.

Government colleges and universities in Abbottabad

A complete detailed list of colleges/universities of Abbottabad has been given here for the help of students. Here students can find out any college/university of their choice. For admissions in Abbottabad the students from all over the Pakistan can see the list of govt. and semi-govt colleges, universities and all the educational institutes located in Abbottabad just in a one place.


Quick facts about institutions in Abbottabad

  • Total Universities in Abbottabad6
  • Total Colleges in Abbottabad41
  • Courses for Intermediate studies119
  • Courses for Bachelor studies203
  • Courses for Masters studies228
  • Courses for Diplomas & Certiicates 117
  • Government/public institutions5
  • Private institutions17

List of Universites in Abbottabad

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Pakistan Military Academy AbbottabadPakistan Military Academy AbbottabadKakul Road, Abbottabad0333 33333338Public15 *
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology AbbottabadCOMSATS Institute of Information Technology AbbottabadCIIT Abbottabad Campus University Road, Tobe Camp0992-383591-648Public23 *
Abbottabad University Of Science And Technology (AUST) AbbottabadAbbottabad University Of Science And Technology (AUST) AbbottabadCaptain Akaash Rabbani Shaheed Road, Tehsil Havelian, District Abbottabad, khyber pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.+92 (992) 402 11743Public35 *
COMSATS University AbbottabadCOMSATS University AbbottabadUniversity Road, Tobe Camp Postal Code 22060 Abbottabad0992-383591-645Private40 *
The Peace Group Of Schools & Colleges AbbottabadThe Peace Group Of Schools & Colleges AbbottabadMansehra Road, Opposite Radio Pakistan, Abbottabad0992-343404, 384822,3Private53 *
Comwave Institute of Sciences and Information Technology, AbbottabadComwave Institute of Sciences and Information Technology, AbbottabadSultan Plaza, Supply area, Mansehra Road, Abbottabad0992-343330-3125N/A61.25 *

List of Colleges in Abbottabad

Colleges/Uni Name Location Contact # Total Courses Sector Popularity Score Rating
Allama Iqbal Open University  AIOU Abbottabad.Allama Iqbal Open University AIOU Abbottabad.House No. CB 301, Adj. United Bank Ltd, Main Building Branch, Mansehra 0992-390927101Public10 *
Ayub Medical College, AbbottabadAyub Medical College, AbbottabadAyub Medical College, Abbottabad - 22040, Pakistan.+92-(992)-3819073N/A20 *
Girls Cadet College AbbottabadGirls Cadet College AbbottabadMansehra Road Near UBL Zonal Office Abbottabad+92 992 332236, 33229N/A31 *
Women Medical College, AbbottabadWomen Medical College, AbbottabadMurree Road, Nawanshehr, Abbottabad - Pakistan+92 992- 3923342N/A40 *
Frontier Medical College, AbbottabadFrontier Medical College, AbbottabadP.O. Public School, Mansehra Road, ABBOTTABAD - PAKISTAN92-0992-383568/ 38358N/A51.25 *
Frontier Institute of Medical Sciences AbbottabadFrontier Institute of Medical Sciences AbbottabadOld Degree College Road, Mandian, Abbottabad Pakistan+92 992 384986, 381135N/A63 *
Government Post Graduate College No.1 AbbottabadGovernment Post Graduate College No.1 AbbottabadGovernment Post Graduate College No.1 Abbottabad0992931012615Public71 *
Vertex College of Science & Technology Abbottabad CampusVertex College of Science & Technology Abbottabad Campusmissile Chowk, old Degree, college Road, mandian, Abbottabad+92-992-384986, +92-32N/A80 *
Army Burn Hall College for Girls, AbbottabadArmy Burn Hall College for Girls, AbbottabadGammi ada the mall Abbottabad, Pakistan0992-9310129, 0992-95N/A94 *
Government College of Management Sciences AbbottabadGovernment College of Management Sciences AbbottabadJinnahabad, Mandian Abbottabad KPK, Pakistan+92 (0992) 3824188N/A103 *
Pakistan International Public Schools and College, AbbottabadPakistan International Public Schools and College, AbbottabadAbbottabad 220100992-382374, 3835005N/A110 *
College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan AbbottabadCollege of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan AbbottabadCPSP Regional Centre Ayub Medical College Abbottabad.0992-38333088Private120 *
Udhyana Institute of Medical Sciences AbbottabadUdhyana Institute of Medical Sciences Abbottabad58/A-1, Shah Zaman Colony PMA Road Abbottabad+92 992 34346815N/A130 *
Justice Law College AbbottabadJustice Law College AbbottabadNear Bata Shoes, Main Mansehra Road, Jhangi, Abbottabad+92 992 3420725N/A145 *
Abbottabad International Medical and Dental CollegeAbbottabad International Medical and Dental CollegeNear Abbottabad Public School, Mansehra Road, Abbottabad+92-992-380421, 38072Private150 *

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