Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
19-Jan-20 Pacific Group of Colleges, Multan 34 Jobs 31-Jan View

Here at this page, we come with the latest 2024 jobs in the Pacific group of colleges. All the applicants who are willing and are eligible to join the college are informed that be ready because this is the time to get the destination of your dreams. The college recently announced the new positions in various departments. Applicants who are searching for the latest positions are informed that the college offers registrar officer jobs, controller of examination jobs, doctor jobs, coordinator jobs, admin officer jobs, and jobs for some other vacant positions. In order to find the complete list applicants can check the below-given list.

All the interested applicants are informed that the selection process would be done only on the merit base. Applicants are suggested that check the complete eligibility criteria before going to submit your application. In order to find the complete eligibility criteria applicants are suggested to click on their desired position and they will be directed towards the complete job descriptions. So, check the requirements of jobs clearly and apply if you are eligible.