Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
13-Feb-19 Elite Police Training School Bedian Road Lahore, Lahore 3 Jobs 28-Feb View
09-May-17 Elite Police Training School Bedian Road Lahore, Lahore 43 Jobs 19-May View
07-Jan-17 Elite Police Training School Bedian Road Lahore, Lahore 0 Jobs N/A View

Elite Police Training School is one of the most powerful institutions in Pakistan. It was constructed to form complete objective of equipping the special force with the latest weapons, high skilled combat training which really very creative get is ready and flawlessness in their aptitudes. It is an exceptional establishment in the country.

The essential obligation of a cop is to ensure individuals and property. To fulfill this errand, cops complete particular employment obligations all the time, which shift contingent upon the size and kind of their law authorization associations. Some of the duties of the special police officers are watching assigned regions (which are allocated to them by their respective heads), authorizing laws, noting calls for help, capturing people associated with carrying out violations, issuing references, affirming in court and leading movement stopsElite Force are extremely arranged and helps locale police in conditions that need assistance with high-risk missions, strikes and spare operations. The officers in the Elite police are set up to an unusual state of bent being utilized of firearms, individual fight, and observation missions.

Physical fitness is required for the vacancie of elite force published in newspaper jobs section . Different tests of younger applicants are taken for their final selection. A candidate has go through all of them.

See the most recent Elite Force Jobs below and other Jobs in Pakistan