Posted On Department / Company Jobs Last Date Details
04-Aug-19 Council Of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad 11 Jobs 19-Aug View
07-Mar-18 Council Of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad 13 Jobs 22-Mar View
06-Dec-15 Council Of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad 0 Jobs N/A View
06-Dec-15 Council Of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan, Islamabad 0 Jobs N/A View is proud to help those job seekers who has interest in working and building their career in Council of Islamic Ideology (CII) Govt of Pakistan. We hardly try to post jobs related to this council in this website so that candidates get an easy way to enhance their skills in this field. You are requested to keep visiting to this website so that you don’t miss any latest news about latest jobs at Council of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan (CII).

Council of Islamic Ideology Govt of Pakistan (CII) is an essential body that advises the parliament that whether an idea of law is offensive to the Islam or not, namely to the Quran and Sunna. The council operates as to build interpersonal relationship between the youth and also enhance their skills and motivate them about gaining applied knowledge. This council was formed initially when it was established in the first Constitution of Pakistan in 1956.

This council has many functions such as to make recommendations to Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), to give its opinion on the proposal pf any law that whether it is offensive to the Islam or not, to compile in a suitable form for the guidance of Majlis-e-Shoora.